Are you missing all of your upper or lower teeth? A full-arch implant system like our Summerfield, Florida All-on-6 treatment may be exactly what you're looking for. Dental implants are stronger than natural teeth, made to last a lifetime, and pair nicely together to anchor full-arch treatments like All-on-6.

What are All-on-6 Implants?

An All-on-6 system uses six dental implants placed at strategic points in your upper or lower jaw. On top of each implant is a small abutment, which attaches inside of a fixed hybrid restoration. The U-shaped restoration on top of the implants permanently restores all of the teeth at one time, without the need for a removable denture. The slim design is comfortable and aesthetic, as Dr. Patel designs each one individually.

Like individual implants or fixed bridges, All-on-6 treatment allow you to enjoy all of your favorite foods, speak comfortably, and smile with confidence.

All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-6 vs. All-on-4 Implants

Most people are familiar with All-on-4 implants, which use just four implants to support a full-arch prosthesis. However, some people require additional support for their restoration. In that case, Dr. Patel adds two more implants, converting the prosthesis to an All-on-6 implant device.

Using just two more implants expands the opportunities for tooth replacement, especially for people who may not qualify for conventional four implant options.

The Treatment Process

Getting dental implants in Summerfield is a process that is spread out over several visits, usually across six months or more. Since dental implants need to integrate with the bone that supports them, you will need to wear a denture or other temporary prosthesis in the meantime.

On the date of your implant installation, a small opening is created at each implant site. The implants are set into the bone (a minimally-invasive process) and allowed to rest so that the bone fuses to its ribbed surface. Recovery is simpler than most people expect! We will take a series of impressions and then, at a later date, install the permanent hybrid appliance on top of special attachments fixed onto each implant.

Do I Qualify for All-on-6 Treatment?

Candidates for full-arch implants need to have healthy gum tissues and dense bone to support their implants. Dr. Patel will also determine if there are any teeth that can be restored or need to be removed. If there is not adequate bone, augmentation or grafting may expand your options.

Be sure to bring us a list of any medications that you're currently taking as well as dates of recent surgeries or hospitalizations. Dr. Patel will coordinate with your medical providers if clearance is necessary.

Implant Consultations in Summerfield, FL

Dr. Patel offers no-obligation dental implant consultations for all patients. If you're considering a permanent tooth replacement or full-mouth reconstruction, Summerfield All-on-6 implants may be an excellent choice.

Contact our office today to reserve an exam.

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